Saturday, October 3, 2015

Stress is bad for your health

Stress is bad for your health and you already know it. But what you may not be aware of is the fact that anger is more dangerous and it creates almost the same side effects of stress and can impact your health and your relationships in the long run. How to deal with anger and stress?

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You might feel drained when you are angry as it saps your energy levels and vitality. If you are not able to control your temper then it means that there are more issues burning inside you.
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It is good to find small ways to calm yourself down as you can't risk your health every time you get angry. Also, it isn't good to suppress those destructive energies. Consult a therapist if you are not able to calm yourself down when angry.

Also, here are some simple ways that may help you in dealing with anger issues.
Source: MyTouchyline
Stretch for a while. Then flex your muscles and hold. Then relax. Try this for a few more repetitions. It frees up the built up tension inside you.

Either perform your favourite workout or run till you feel good. When endorphins release, your mood gets enhanced.

Sleep for a while if possible. This can transform your mood.

If you still have anything to vent out, do so in silent private place to get rid of the negative energy.

Pamper yourself or do something that comforts you.
These are just a few ways of cooling yourself down. If you know of any, please share them with us.

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Always move far away from the origin or the source of the temper. For example, it is good to move out of the room or the person who caused the temper.

You need more oxygen. Take deep breaths for a while.

You need lots of water. Hydrate your system well before your frustration reaches peaks.